I spellchecked, and nighttime is a word. So is spellchecked.
We ran Thursday evening. Time? I forget. It was dark. You could see in people's windows from our stretch point. Route? The usual. The point?
I realized why I hadn't been blogging about running. For a similar reason to why I started my other blog, because I felt basically overwhelmed, disorganized, and creatively stuck. So anyhow, now I'm catching up on these blogs BEFORE my run tonight with Matt.
But Thursday evening we had a good run, at a jogging pace, but it was good, as I recall. Matt talked a lot about music. And then I talked a lot about something because I remember I got a muscle spasm in my diaphragm or my intercostals or something.
Apprentice Spellcasters (0-Level)
8 years ago