Which happens to also be my first true experience with fixed gear (oops!). Oops because I OWN a a fixed gear but haven't really yet ridden it. Anyone want to buy it off me? It's nice. Anyhow, it was a little boring and a little intense, but I also sweated a hell of a lot and walking upstairs to my apartment was a little more noticeable than usual, so I guess it was also good.
On an entirely different note:
Businesses I'm interested in, in the future:
Green Energy Sources. My role? Learning to be a business person and get into that business. OBVIOUSLY, other smart people would do actual engineering of goods to be provided.
Honey. Bee keeping. This may be a personal thing, if not a full fledged business. I may see about investing in a box if not this year than the next. I recall reading that one should order bees in February? Cause they sell out. So maybe 2009 is about learning how to do this, and 2010 is actually DOING it.
Life coaching. Something between 'advice giver' and psychotherapist.' Someone to help people (YOU! perhaps) recognize and move forward to the life you want to be living. This is one of those things that, when I first heard about it, I thought, YES!, that sounds like something I'd like to do. Assisting people with figuring out who they want to be, and inspiring them to do the work to get there.
Concrete. Eric suggested it. Businesses owned by women would get get lots of contracts, so I'll keep it on the list.
Yea, so I'm loving my business classes. YES, the texts are slightly boring to read but they're SO APPLICABLE that it's exciting. It's like, OH! I want to write a strategic plan for my life!