Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's been more than a month already!

Well, its been over a month that I've been here in Peoria and life is good!  Here's some of what has happened since I've last written.  

I've started working at a massage clinic called Balanced Health Concepts.  It's an independent contractor sort of situation and so far I think it's what I'm looking for right now.  I've finished designing my first-ever brochure, flier, and coupon!  :)  Now it's time to recruit some new clients!

My sister and her boyfriend have visited.  She took some photographs of me doing massage and Thai massage for brochures and future website:

We also did a photo shot of Frank's band.   This was a lot of fun!  At an old gas station:

And on some railroad tracks:

And a photo of Matt being goofy when we were checking out some garage sales:

Sara has also visited and we went up a tall lookout tower in Peoria Heights...

Chicago is 127 miles away:

Not close enough to see...

I did the Batavia Triathlon on June 14th.  Frank super-surprised me by showing up 1) to the race and 2) to multiple places along the course.  Here are some photos he snapped.  On the bike:

And on the run:
Frank and I have been mulching and doing some landscaping.  Here's a before picture:
And here's an after: 

(See little Sig check out the newly pruned bush.  Sig and I both prefer the wild-jungle-look, but, we don't live in the country country and neighbors seem to like this highly groomed look.)

Frank took his Echo racing at Autobahn Country Club.  Making adjustments pre-race:

Little Echo on the track with all the fast cars:  

But after one 15 minute run on the track, the little car couldn't hold up and a wheel bolt broke:

Hopefully, now that Frank's Mustang is in working order again, it won't meet the same fate next weekend when we go back to Autobahn.  Check out his new light-weight aluminum hood!

Kitty update.  Look how everyone is getting along.  Everyone say awh...  :) 


Sara said...

Awwwh! Also: I miss you :)

KERaven said...

Congrats on the triathlon! Do you want to come run the Boston half marathon with me on 10/11?

Mary said...

I'll have to think about that. I just might!

00 said...

Your massage photos look great!