Sunday, August 12, 2007

The New Triathlon: Run, Bike, Eat Falafel

Exercising makes me ornery. And it makes me need more sleep. But it also makes me feel good, so I keep doing it.

Today/Yesterday I was pulled from my slumber by a "party line" phone call from e&m. So Matt and I biked down to Eric's. We ran 6 miles or so in the hot hot sun. Salt rolled down my forehead into my eyeballs and it burned and stung. I need a headband for next weekend, I think. (International distance triathlon next weekend). We ate Falafel Sandwiches from Old Jeruselum. ($6.15 + tax and not worth it except I was hungry). And then biked down to 53rd and ate Falafel Sandwiches from Cedars. ($4.50 + tax which includes TWO halves of pita, 6? balls, french fries, and a little salad. Very cool). Then we biked back...stopping to watch some people at Ohio St beach...30 miles or so total bikage. Not that far, really, but we spent many many hours in the hot sun.

And so at 8:30pm or so I was ready for bed. Now here I am, it's 3:45am and I'm just waking up. It is the perfect hour for watching Perseid meteors burn up on their way through our atmosphere but it is cloudy here in Chicago and I can hear waves of rain falling outside my window, to say nothing of the light pollution. What would it take to convince a city to have a voluntary blackout (or at least brownout) to facillitate shooting star watching? Would that be possible? Such things could happen by accident in the event of a power outage. Intentionally in the case know, like during WWII. But to see some shooting stars? I wonder if Mayor Daley likes shooting stars... If I were running for mayor.......

Anyhow, maybe I'll straighten up my kitchen and make a salad for tomorrow and try and get some more sleep before the sun comes up.

I've not been posting, or writing at all because...I just haven't had any time. Well, okay, really, I've been watching Seasons 1-4 of Friends. But ALSO, when you're exercising everyday and sometimes multiple times a day, you need a lot more sleep. And if you're not eating enough spinach, you get extra ornery (that's me) and you really just don't want to spread the bad vibes around.

Our last Triathlon is next weekend. Then it's just the Half Marathon in September...and then it's chill time until Marathon training (for the marathona di Roma) begins.

And I realize I still haven't posted about any Triathlons OR the Muddy Buddy so sometime I'll have to catch up. Or maybe not, and I'll just say this:

Triathlons totally kick ass. Single sport? Bah. That's for the wintertime.