Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Change one little thing at a time...I don't buy it

It seems to be an understood rule out there that one shouldn't try to makeover their life in one fell swoop.  Change one particular habit and after that becomes normal, change another.  But I think, go for the gusto.  Mix it up.  Why not?  Come up with a workable plan and implement it.  I started 2 of 3 business classes last Wednesday, joined the YMCA on Friday (and swam Friday, swam Sunday, Ran/did weights Monday, in a bit I'll leave to swim), and started Weight Watchers on Saturday (and I'm doing a *great* job of writing down everything I'm eating and preparing nutritious meals ahead of time--go me!) and now it's the following Tuesday and I feel awesome.  And a, "yes, *finally*, I'm moving in a direction I want to go."  I suppose it could happen that I fall on my face, but I don't anticipate such a future.  Yay!  I love getting unstuck!

1 comment:

Jamie Winger said...

Awesome! I think everything you are doing seems so exciting!