Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 2: 3 mile run to WAD

Today I began to remember that a big part of the challenge of training for a marathon is finding the time. Or, shall I say, creating the time. I biked to work, worked, biked home from work. Sat down. And realized I had to be at my West African dance class in an hour. And I had to run 3 miles. And then meet up with a friend.

So I thought to combine commuting to dance and my run by running to dance!

My dance class is about 2 miles away, so with the help of google pedometer I figured out a little addendum. (yay! google pedometer!)

When I arrived at dance, the warmup had already started--so I had no break!--that was tough. Bike, Run, WAD = the new triathlon. It kicked my butt.

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