Saturday, February 23, 2008

20 miles!

Two things:

My tennis ball is my new favorite massage therapist when it comes to therapeutic massage and "fixing" my legs. (I'm sitting on it right now--it's in my left deep rotators--yum!)

And Ibuprofen. 400mg. Yes, I know. It's western medical pharmaceuticals. It's diabolical. But, , I remembered the old guys on PT test days in the Army and I remembered them talking about how awesome Ibuprofen was and how it made the run so much easier. And I guess I was feeling desparate to have a decent run.

Eric and I ran from my house down the lakefront to just shy of the Field Museum. Pretty awesome. It was sunny! It was just below freezing! Sometimes it was icy, but most of the path was dry. I was in a good mood throughout which I attribute to eating the night before, eating that morning, eating a LARA bar after 5 miles, a Hammer Gel after 10, and another Hammer Gel after 15. AND, drinking plenty of water that Eric was awesome enough to strap around his waist. I experience fatigue and discomfort but no out-and-out PAIN!, so...awesome. I had very little discomfort the next day too, so...yea, awesome!

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