Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Calling forth a paradigm shift -- Yasso Day #2

So today was another day of Yasso 800s. And after yesterday's dance class, my gastrocs were killing me. Imagine if you balled up two pieces of aluminum foil, but instead of putting them in the recycling bin, like normal people would, you stuffed them into my calves and called them muscles--that's how it felt. Try running with those legs.

Even so, today went like this:

1 mile warm up jog
stretch/massage gastrocs
#1 800m 3 min 34 sec (gastrocs didn't feel so bad. but my esophagus was burning)
#2 800m ???
#3 800m ???
#4 800m 3 min 47 sec
I started to run a 5th one, but my legs just said, "nope! I think not."
1 mile cool down jog

cough cough cough cough cough...for 20 minutes or so until I'd consumed one post-run beer and one post-run pizza slice. Finally, I stopped coughing. There was a lot of particulate matter in the air today (this is the nerd speak for I inhaled shit and it embedded itself into the back of my esophagus).

Anyhow, it was 4 miles of actual run/jogging with some recovery walk/jog laps in there. So 4- 3/4 miles total. And I was happy with these times--an improvement from last week. I think my goal next week will be to get 4 repeats under 3:40, and then I'll build from there.

I forgot to bring my watch, so I don't have times for #2 and #3, I could only beg for a timer for runs 1 and 4, but I know at least they weren't worse than the 4th one. And the 4th Yasso was equal to the first one of last week, which is interesting. Again, according to Bert (or Bart?) Yasso, I'd need to run 10 repeats of a 3min40sec 800m to be at a place where I could qualify for Boston. Which is 18 1/2 weeks away. I have time to make myself cough a lot a lot.

This is all Eric's idea, btw. I'm not naturally as ambitious as this........but ambition might be a contagious thing.

Here are what my stats would need to be to make this Boston thing a possibility:

1 mile: 6:54 (yikes! This blows my mind. I can't imagine running a sub-7 minute mile.)
5K: 22:57
10K: 47:52 (7:43 min/mile pace) (Last June I did at 10K in 52:55. A lot has happened since then, so maybe this is possible.)
10miles: 1:19:15
13.1 miles: 1:45:31
Marathon: 3:40:00 (8:23 min/mile pace)

And training paces:

9:26-10:39 Long run training pace (Sounds do able, especially now that it's not 15 degrees anymore.)
7:52 Tempo Run training pace
7:20 or 3:40/800m Yassos

Dude, so on Hal's Novice 2 or Intermediate 1 training programs, when he says 5 mile pace run, is he talking about at this 7:52 pace? Or the 8:23 marathon pace? Or, should I think in terms of 7:52 because I'll have to slow down to get water and blood oranges (if Chicago would only be so generous). I don't get it. Not that I'm going to know exactly anyhow, cause I'm not running on a track or treadmill, but what's the goal?

According to Yasso, Eric's right on target with his repeats, and Matt's on track to be in the sub-3:00 marathon club, should he choose to, which means he is waaaaaay too cool to hang out with us. :p Now we just have to do this shit 10 times (that's 5 miles worth PLUS warmup, recovery, and cooldown...and this is supposed to be less than 10% of our weekly training mileage??? Hmm).

Weird how this is such a different blog than I was writing a year and a bit ago. My interest in running has shifted. Welcome in: the paradigm shift.

Now, how do I race?

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