Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's almost mar-ra-thon time! :)

Marathon training season is around the corner!!!!! Yay! I'm so excited.

Just the other day I said to a client, a multi-marathoning client, that a first marathon seems to elicit one of two responses in people: "Ugh. One and done. Checked that off the list. Thank God that's over" orrrrr.....it's the beginning of a whole new obsession. I think I may fall into the latter category.

I was just reading about post-marathon recovery. Think I'm getting ahead of myself? What's that? Ahead of myself.....naw. Could. not. possibly. be. Not me. :)

Anyhow, if I were to follow the marathon training program, it would start next week. Will I? Eh. I think I'll try to do the three mid-week runs. Or, at the very least, do two of them. I might keep and eye on a couple of training plans and just make sure I'm on top of my game. I think I'll do longer weekend runs than what the training plans call for (there is that Half Iron looming in the near-er future). I think I've been a little lax with the frequency of my training, if not the distance, which is fine. I've been thinking about other things, but I'm ready to nail it down again.


WAD tonight totally kicked my ass. I love it. But my feet have forgotten how to move fast in the last 4 months of non-dancing and this is terribly frustrating. It's like my mind knows how they should move but they just aren't listening. I think I need to get to an Ashtanga class and remember my muladhara bandha, that should help.

And. and...

I hate cancer. Will it not leave my family alone. And I'd just been thinking about pain, the chronic pain that people have and how it is so spiritually challenging. And cancer. Chemotherapy. All that jazz. It's so trying.

And I'm thinking about writing a diet/self-love book. I wonder if I could fill up a whole book with the things I think about on the subject. And if anyone would want to publish such a book. And...the really frustrating thing is that I just know I'm going to see the book I want to write on the New Books bookself at Border's in a month. This often happens. (Wait a sec, I could just spew all my ideas here..........) Hmm.

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