Thursday, April 8, 2010

I love Team Steam!

Today's workout:

-1 mile warm-up, along the creek (this seems like a standard thing)
(a short rest)
-2.6 mile timed "endurance and strength" run: along the creek, in the cemetery like yesterday's 2 mile, then an extra 0.6 up a very very very steep hill! Very steep. (I assume my chip times will be posted tomorrow.)
(3 min or so rest)
-2.6 mile repeat.

Total: 6.2 miles!! Yay! And it feels great. My hamstrings felt really tight the first 5 miles or so, but then they finally relaxed a little. I met and talked and ran with two different women, which made running soooooo much more enjoyable than it has been. This really confirms for me that I am a social runner, and may as well get used to running with a running group. It seems to be a really friendly group. The coaches are great--very encouraging in a not-drill sergeant kind of way. :)

Today was much cooler weather (46F) than Tuesday (75F), which was the hottest run I've had since last year. It's really pretty, where these runs are. Wooded, winding creeks we're always crossing over, lots of old nice pretty trees. Ahh.


Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so glad to see you're back running. I always have enjoyed reading your running blogs. You go girl - I know that I'm a social exerciser - Mary Ewert and I are exercising 6 days a week. I could never do it if I didn't have an exercise buddy.

Mary said...

Thanks, Mom. When you visit next, we can go for a morning hike at one of the parks in town, if you like.